




Who will you go with?
Which train (flight, bus, etc) is she travelling on?


Tell me what you are worried about.


文章内のsub clauseに使う場合

It's John that I'm really angry at.
This is the castle I told you about.


Most people like to be taken notice of.

(most people like situations that other people take notice of them)


I've got lots of CDs to listen to.
It's a boring place to live in.



He was respected by the people with whom he worked.
(less formal: He was respected by the people he worked with.)


It was the building about which he had told them. (too formal)
It was the building which he had told them about.

With whom did she go to the dinner?
これも同様にtoo formalな文の一例で、

Who did she go to the dinner with? でも決してinformalな表現ではないようだ。

例外その2:副詞句(adverbial phrases)

with great patience のように、前置詞+名詞で副詞句を作るケースの場合は、当然のことながら文末云々は関係なくなる。

I admired the patience with which he spoke.



get(be) on [the bus, the flight, the train, etc]
get(be) in [the car, the taxi]

有名な使い分け。be in...の後に続くべきなのは原則として「場所」であり、動くものではないらしい。そうすると自動車はどうなのよということになるのだが、例外と思って割り切るしかないか。一応の説明は「日本人の英語」にあるのでそちらを参照されたい。

You will be eligible for promotion soon.

We regret the delay in despatching your order.

She was very conscious of her lack of experience on her first day at work.

be conscious of = be aware of (things). conscious about (body, etc)だと、自意識過剰とかナルシズムとか、そう言う意味になってしまうので注意。

You will be safe from unwarranted intrusion.

There's no doubt about the urgency of the problem.

She has always been lacking in tact.

I would like to take this opportunity of thanking my hosts.
(......opportunity to thank my hostsでも良い、ただしformalな語感は薄れる)

似たような表現として、以下のようなものもある。it is of your interestなどもよく見る表現。
It is of use to you (formal)
It is useful to/for you (less formal)

The smell is peculiar to this type of plant.

How very typical of him! Nothing is ever his fault!

”あいつらしいや。なんでも人のせいにしやがる!”みたいな感じ。typical of...は、...に特有な、という意味のほかに、「いかにも・・・がやりそうなことだ」という意味がある。

She takes great pleasure in pitting her wits against all comers.

pit one's wits against somebodyは、知恵比べをする、知恵を戦わせる、の意。

The island is rich in natural resources.

He's incapable of holding down a job.

hold down a jobで仕事をする、職に就く、の意。a jobをthe jobと書き間違えると劇的に意味が変わってしまうので注意(上の文だと、彼には何か致命的な問題があって、世の中の仕事はとてもできない、という意味。the jobだと、その仕事に必要なスキルを持っていないだけで、他の仕事ならできるかもしれない、というニュアンスに。定冠詞はいつかちゃんとまとめたい)。

I don't really see any point in continuing this conversation.

We had great difficulty in understanding the statement.


She's convinced of the justice of her case.
She's convinced about his idea.

convinced of (自分自身が信じている信念)
convinced about (他人に説得されたアイデア


He takes pride in showing off his garden.

I am surprised at you, forgetting your documents like that!

In this day and age, I am embarrassed to admit that I am totally baffled by the ever-changing technology that one is expected to get to grips with!

In this day and age (of ....)で、...のご時世に、の意。
get to grips with... は、理解する、(問題に)直面する、など。

The banks are not capable of investing foreign firms.

capable to invest...とはならない。